Supporting Our Mission: How You Can Make a Difference

Your Donation makes a real difference.

Donate Now or Give Monthly
You can extend your support by donating a fixed amount on a monthly basis to enable us to provide comprehensive care to all the lives that we rescue. A fixed contribution helps us dedicate the amount to the shelter’s fixed operating expenses.

Give In Honor or In Memory Of
You may choose to gift or make a memorial donation for an amount of your choice in a unique way by dedicating your donation in honour of an extraordinary person or to honour their day.

Sponsor A Meal – ₹5000 (Single Meal) & ₹10000 (Full day meal)
Do you have a significant milestone or an important day to share with our rescued animals? It could be a Birthday, a Wedding Anniversary, a New Job, your pet’s Homecoming Day, a New Milestone, the answer to a long-awaited Prayer … You can dedicate a special meal for our 600 rescued animals to commemorate the day

Sponsor A General Surgery- ₹6000
Help an animal undergo life-saving procedures/ surgeries such as amputations, tumour excision, e-nucleation etc.

Sponsor An Animal Birth Control Surgery- ₹3500
Time to time ALAI conducts free animal birth control programs in 5+ villages not covered under the municipal birth control program, however to help us do this on a continuous basis, your sponsorship plays an important role which helps us cover the pre-surgery blood test, surgery, post operative boarding of 5 days, post operative medicines, a round of anti-disease vaccination and anti-rabies vaccine.

Volunteering can be a rewarding experience with many benefits. It also helps shelters that are low on labor continue their endless care of animals. From in-shelter support to just spending quality time with the animals, volunteers support every facet of our work. We believe everyone has something to contribute through their diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Take a Pet Home
With more adoptable pets than ever, we have an urgent need for pet adopters. Our rescued animals crave for individual love and attention and what better way than a home sweet home where they can receive all the love, stability and support. A pet can complete your family and bring in life changing positive experiences for both you and your pet.
Passive Adoption
If you ever wanted to adopt a pet however due to unavoidable conditions you are unable to do so, Passive adoption gives you an opportunity to be a virtual parent to any resident animal of your choice where you can sponsor towards their stay, food, medicines at 1500 INR per month.