About ALAI Rescue: Our Journey and Commitment to Animal Welfare

Animal Lives Are Important (ALAI) established in May 2017 is an animal rescue and rehabilitation shelter located in Bangalore, India.
Founded on the belief that every treatable animal deserves a chance at life and a loving forever home. We rescue and treat vulnerable at-risk companion animals by providing them the needed medical care and palliative support to ease them into the next phase of life.
Housing 650 animals both dogs and large & small animals like cows, horses, sheep, pigs, goats, ducks, guinea fowls etc, we exist uniquely to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome the sick, injured elderly and differently-abled street animals. We are committed to making it socially unacceptable to mistreat any animal.
Easing these animal’s suffering into their next phase of comfort is been one of the founding principles at ALAI. Almost every animal that reaches our has had a terrible story to tell. A story of pain, A story of suffering, A story of negligence, A story of ignorance however once the animal reaches the abode of ALAI, from then on, it’s a story of HOPE and ONLY HOPE.

Our Vision:
Our vision is to help save them all by providing round the clock help to the injured street animals, so that no cry for help goes unanswered.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the World. It is the only thing that ever has.
-Margaret Meade

Our Mission:
To work towards the well-being of the street animals by inspiring a positive change in their lives, by way of Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Re-homing these animals.

It only takes ONE PERSON, and one act of KINDNESS, to inspire others AND CREATE CHANGE.

Who we are

Animal Lives Are Important (ALAI) established in May 2017 is an animal rescue and rehabilitation shelter located in Bangalore, India.
Founded on the belief that every treatable animal deserves a chance at life and a loving forever home. We rescue and treat vulnerable at-risk companion animals by providing them the needed medical care and palliative support to ease them into the next phase of life.
Housing 600 animals both dogs and large & small animals like cows, horses, sheep, pigs, goats, ducks, guinea fowls etc, we exist uniquely to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome the sick, injured elderly and differently-abled street animals. We are committed to making it socially unacceptable to mistreat any animal.
Easing these animal’s suffering into their next phase of comfort is been one of the founding principles at ALAI. Almost every animal that reaches our has had a terrible story to tell. A story of pain, A story of suffering, A story of negligence, A story of ignorance however once the animal reaches the abode of ALAI, from then on, it’s a story of HOPE and ONLY HOPE.
Our Vision

Our Vision:
Our vision is to help save them all by providing round the clock help to the injured street animals, so that no cry for help goes unanswered.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the World. It is the only thing that ever has.
-Margaret Meade

Our Mission

Our Mission:
To work towards the well-being of the street animals by inspiring a positive change in their lives, by way of Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Re-homing these animals.

It only takes ONE PERSON, and one act of KINDNESS, to inspire others AND CREATE CHANGE.